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Advancing Wind Energy in Hawaii

A row of turbines at the Tetra Tech-supported Auwahi Wind facility in Hawaii
Tetra Tech has supported Auwahi Wind LLC for more than a decade with turnkey environmental permitting and compliance management services to site, develop, construct, and operate Auwahi Wind. The wind facility was previously owned by Sempra Renewables and is now owned by American Electric Power (AEP).

Tetra Tech has provided full-service support to the Auwahi Wind facility since 2009. Tetra Tech helped lead Auwahi Wind LLC through a complex permitting process on an accelerated timeline and managed permit compliance during construction and operations. Operational since 2012, the 21-megawatt project is located on the island of Maui and includes eight wind turbines, a battery energy storage system, and a nine-mile generator tie-line.


  • A 12-year client partnership that has resulted in a successful Hawaii wind facility
  • Innovative solutions to achieve bat and seabird species conservation goals
  • A joint HCP, a 25-year incidental take permit, and incidental take license and subsequent amendments
  • 21 megawatt of clean energy contributing to Hawaii’s RPS

Tetra Tech’s comprehensive support includes:

  • Completing more than 25 technical and statistical modeling studies to assess potential avian, bat, noise, visual, and cultural impacts
  • Developing a joint habitat conservation plan (HCP) and subsequent amendment with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources to obtain and later amend a 25-year incidental take permit and incidental take license
  • Preparing a Hawaii Environmental Policy Act-compliant environmental impact statement and National Environmental Policy Act-compliant environmental assessment
  • Providing support for community and stakeholder engagement
  • Supporting ongoing compliance, mitigation programs for several threatened and endangered species, and monitoring programs

Tetra Tech continues to use our Leading with Science® approach and understanding of Hawaii’s unique ecosystems and permitting environment to develop and support Auwahi Wind operations. Our ability to adapt to unexpected challenges, anticipate regulatory constraints and changing guidance, and incorporate the latest technological solutions enables us to meet our client’s goals and contribute to Hawaii’s renewable energy portfolio standard (RPS) of all energy generated from renewable sources by 2045.